
Going outside to see what I'll see

The snows piling high...I'm lonely and blue

Except for my shiny toboggan


I'm going to the hill I'm gonna climb up to the top

Keep on walking till I have to stop

With my shiny toboggan


Well the years have gone buy and taken their toll on me...

And so you see I've got no shiny toboggan with me...

And you know it's true


I spent the better part of my life getting' drunk

Gamblin' all the money just for fun

And you know...that much is true


I should have spent more time on you

Not out in the yard...drinkin' with the boys

This I's true


Now you're packin' your're gonna leave me standing

All's sad to say but it's true

And I know it's right for you...


And now I'm standing at the apex of my life

My toboggan is gone and so is my wife...

And I know...that much is true...

I might  not have been good...l might not have been smart

But just like gravity plays it's part on my...shiny toboggan...

Life's all downhill


I might  not have been good...l might not have been smart

But just like gravity plays it's part on my...shiny toboggan...

Life's all downhill

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