
Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...

Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...


Just think about things that happen in the world today

Because of the war everyone's tense and edgy...Humanity

You get one chance in this you better go around

better go around  twice if you can...Humanity

We wanna talk we wanna speak wanna dialogue

for the streets you  know...Humanity

Big business rules the world today you know as we

Shop and go on "Dot Com"... ADSL all the way...Humanity


Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...

Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...



We're coming heh...we're coming in you'd better smile you'd better grin

We're not going to rip up you're streets...

We're not crazy freaks... honestly...Humanity


Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...

Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...



Not in our parks...not in our streets...not in our lives...Humanity

Just for you and me...Humanity


Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...

Don't be mean be nice...don't be mean be nice...


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